In light of the ongoing monsoon season, Qurtaba City has launched an extensive tree plantation drive. So far, over 10,000 plants have been planted within the project area and along its boundary. The overall goal is to plant around 20,000 plants during the current season.

Qurtaba Horticulture Administration:

This tree plantation initiative is being carried out under the general horticulture plan of Qurtaba Horticulture Administration. Under this plan, plants have been planted in various parts of Qurtaba City, and saplings have been distributed to residents for planting in their homes.

Environmental Improvement:

This effort is part of Qurtaba City’s commitment to enhancing the environment. Planting trees not only improves air quality but also adds to the area’s beauty, providing a healthier and greener environment for the residents.

Resident Participation:

The administration has also involved the residents in this drive by providing them with saplings to plant in their homes. The participation of residents in this plantation drive will not only contribute to the project’s success but also raise awareness and a sense of responsibility towards environmental conservation.


Future Plans:

The administration aims to plant 20,000 trees during this monsoon season. Efforts are continuously being made to green the area and create a more lush and vibrant environment. The administration believes that this initiative will play a crucial role in providing a better and safer environment for the future.

Qurtaba City’s tree plantation drive is a significant step towards environmental improvement, enhancing the beauty of the area, and positively impacting the lives of the residents. We are hopeful for the success of this initiative and urge the residents to participate actively.

Qurtaba City Initiates Tree Plantation Drive During Monsoon Season
Tree Plantation Drive During Monsoon Season
Tree Plantation Drive During Monsoon Season
Tree Plantation Drive During Monsoon Season