Qurtaba City Initiates Tree Plantation Drive During Monsoon Season

Qurtaba City Initiates Tree Plantation Drive During Monsoon Season

In light of the ongoing monsoon season, Qurtaba City has launched an extensive tree plantation drive. So far, over 10,000 plants have been planted within the project area and along its boundary. The overall goal is to plant around 20,000 plants during the current season. Qurtaba Horticulture Administration: This tree plantation initiative is being carried […]

Meeting with HSSR

In a dynamic effort to propel the Qurtaba City project forward, regular meetings with the High-Speed Sustainable Realities (HSSR) developers are in full swing. The project directors are actively engaging with the developers, emphasizing the importance of expediting the development process. The dedicated team at HSSR is fully committed to ramping up the pace of […]

Development in general

In the vibrant landscape of Qurtaba City, the symphony of development continues to resonate across various blocks. Block A and B are on the cusp of completion, with meticulous sub-base laying unfolding as the finishing touch. Similarly, the landscape in Blocks E and F is transforming rapidly, nearing the final stages of infrastructure development. Meanwhile, […]